How To Use the Conference Room TV for Video Conferences or Displaying a Laptop
This assumes you have scheduled a meeting using Outlook, included this Conference Room in the invitation and added an 8x8 Meeting to the invitation. If you need a guide on how to do this, click this link to access our KB article on the subject.
- Turn on the TV
- Ensure the Source is set to Video Conference (HDMI 2)
- If the Source is already set to Video Conference, the TV should display the 8x8 schedule of meetings with the current Date and Time.
- If not, press the Source button on the TV remote to toggle the source to HDMI 2, labeled Video Conference.
- If you don’t see your meeting listed on the schedule, you need to be sure that you schedule the meeting in Outlook to include the Conference Room and added an 8x8 Meeting to the invitation. Refer to this link for instructions on how to do this successfully.
- Tap the Join button on the tablet next to your scheduled meeting. You will use the tablet on the Conference Room table to start and control your video conference.
- If you don’t see the 8x8 app active on the tablet screen, press the home button on the tablet and then tap the Meeting Rooms app.
- Your Video Conference will now start and you will see yourself along with anyone else who has already joined the meeting on the TV screen.
- You can mute yourself or end the meeting using the controls on the tablet.
Helpful Hints
- If anyone in the room wants to share their laptop screen with all meeting participants, the best way to do this is to open a browser and go to the web address displayed at the bottom right of the TV screen. The URL will look close to
- If you scheduled the conference room but forgot to add the 8v8 Meeting component, you can go ahead and add it to the meeting now. After adding the 8x8 Meeting to the Outlook Meeting and sending the update, you will have to wait a few minutes before the tablet will update with a Join button.
- You also have the option to just join an 8x8 meeting manually. This might be useful if someone scheduled a video conference that you want to join in the Conference Room but neglected to include the Conference Room in their Outlook invitation. To join a meeting manually:
- Tap Join With ID on the tablet
- Look at your Outlook Meeting with the 8x8 Meeting information included and find the meeting link that you would normally click to join.
- Type in the Meeting ID portion of that link – it is the portion after the last / in the link, and then tap Join.
- Turn on the TV
- Ensure the Source is set to Table Laptop (HDMI 1)
- If not, press the Source button on the TV remote to toggle the source to HDMI 1, labeled Table Laptop.
- Plug in the HDMI cable found on the table to your laptop. If your laptop does not have an HDMI port, use the USB-C adapter provided.
- You have four options for how to display your laptop on the TV. You can toggle through these options by pressing F8 on your laptop. Those options are:
Duplicate (Duplicate what you see on your laptop screen to the TV)
Extend (Use the TV as a second monitor and display different content on the TV and your laptop screen)
PC Screen Only (Blank out the TV screen and only display on your laptop. This is typically used temporarily while you prepare material to be displayed to the room.)
Second Screen Only (Blank out your laptop screen and only use the TV to display to the room)