WellSky Schedule PC | Monitor Configuration Settings
Please use these instructions for configuring the monitors for WellSky Schedule Display.
If you haven't hung the computer on the wall, please follow these instructions. https://nobis.freshservice.com/support/solutions/articles/16000080762
The computer should auto-connect to the hospital_employees network. If it asks for a password, it's Nobis6500.
1. Ensure all your cables are connected first before step two. All the cables from the computer should be plugged into the monitors.
2. Turn on the monitors. The monitors will go through an initial setup. Try skipping through the settings. You will not be connecting WiFi through the TV. If it asks for orientation, ensure it's "Landscape." If the computer is already on, then the input should be on "HDMI 1" if you connected the cable correctly on the back of the monitor.
- 2a - to select the HDMI input, use the power button near the bottom right of the monitor. If you press the button, it will show you options. You can select the inputs by long holding the power button until you get to HDMI 1.
3. You should find a keyboard and mouse for the next several steps. Turn on the computer if it's not on already.
4. You should already be looking at a desktop if the computer is turned on. The WellSky Schedule may be on one screen at this point and the other screen blank with your hospital logo. Begin by right-clicking anywhere on the background to pull up this menu and select Display Settings.
5. You will see two boxes that represent the monitors. All it's doing at this point is detecting the monitors. It doesn't mean it matches the actual layout at this point. The Blue selection means you're looking at the properties for this monitor. Step 7 will have you click on box 2 to check the screen resolution.
6. Scroll down until you see Display Resolution. It should be on 1920 x 1080 (recommended.) It may already default to the settings below.
7. Do this exact step with monitor 2 by selecting it and checking the resolution in step 6. Both monitors should be the same resolution.
8. Go to the search bar at the bottom of the screen and type Intel. You should find the Intel Graphics Command Center. If not, step 8a will tell you how to get it.
- 8a - if you don't see Intel Graphics Command Center, you'll need to go to the Microsoft Store.
- 8b - type Store in the search field. Click on it to open the Microsoft Store. Type Intel to find the Intel Graphics Command Center, and download it by clicking Get. Open once downloaded.
9. Open Intel Graphics Center. Click on Display on the left side of the screen. You will see two boxes as you did in Display Settings, but using Intels program. This will look similar.
10. You will click on Identify in the upper right. You should see numbers pop up on the actual monitors. Pay attention to what screen is 1 and 2. You may need to adjust the boxes to orientate the screens. If it doesn't match, you'll need to click and drag the boxes to match the physical layout of the monitors.
- 10a - adjust the boxes to match the layout. Some may already match, but if not, you will need to left-click and hold on the box and move it. Click Apply, then Keep Changes.
11. Combine monitor settings. Click on the three dots. This may not look the same for some people, but start here. This should give you the option to Combine the image. Click on Combine, the monitor (e.g. monitor 1 or 2) then Horizontal. Click apply. That's it, you're done!
12. If you don't see the Combine option in step 11, then look under the General Tab. There should be an option to turn on Combine. Follow step 11 after turning it on.
4K Resolution - causing issues
We're discovering that some computers are handling the monitor resolution differently. The WellSky Schedule will look tiny when displayed. Notice how the schedule does not spread across two screens. The computer thinks it's an 8K resolution when combined. WellSky Scheduling isn't designed for this resolution. Proceed to step 13 if the schedule looks small.
The steps below will only apply to people experiencing the 4K issue as seen in the picture above. If your display looks fine, please ignore the steps below.
I believe we have a fix now. We can't confirm if it will work with all computers encountering this as we haven't tested this except for two hospitals with the same models.
If your screen looks small like the picture above, you'll need to exit out of the browser and get to the desktop. If you can't get out of the browser, try pressing ALT F4 on the keyboard.
13. You're going to open the Intel Graphics Command Center from step 9 above. You're going to be in the General tab, but you should find an option called Color Depth. Change it to BPC_12. Everything will look big.
14. Close the Intel Graphics Command Center and go to the desktop. Go to Display Settings as you did in step 4. You're going to check your Display Resolution. It may display 3,840 x 1080 (recommended) or similar. The schedule will still look big. The next step will scale it down.
15. Stay in Display Settings and look above the Display Resolution for Scale and Layout and set it to 100 percent. You're done!
16. Reboot the computer and see if it looks correct. You can remove the keyboard and mouse. Please remember the computer auto-logins and does not require any input from you.